From Gold Coast to Townsville
Here we are, in Gold Coast, trying our luck to make our way to Townsville on a access ramp to the motorway when a big woman in a big 4WD insist to pick us up and take us as far…
Here we are, in Gold Coast, trying our luck to make our way to Townsville on a access ramp to the motorway when a big woman in a big 4WD insist to pick us up and take us as far…
In Sydney, most of the backpacker’s hostels are full. It’s a 3 days off week end, so it’s very busy. It will be difficult to find a bed for the night. But we’re lucky, and we manage to find 2…
It’s 10 o’clock in the morning, we are Friday the 3rd of october. Sitting aboard the Indian Pacific in our huge plush chairs, we wait. A whistle sound. That’s it, we go ! The train pulls into a cacophony of rattles…
After hitchhiking for 2858km, we’ve spent a relax week with our friends, the Bandiera, in the Adelaide Hills. We spent our time eating some delicious meals cooked by Rosa, trying Joe’s wine, visiting the Central Market and walking on Rob’s…
Around Smoky Bay, 40km in the bush where we’ve been droped in the middle of no where by the previous driver who apparently didn’t understand where we wanted to go. It’s 12:30. It’s been nearly an hour now that we’ve…
1st night camping after a few hours on the road. We set up the tent in a sort of undergrowth with this famous australian desert’s ocher ground. During the night, the weather goes bad, and very quickly we’re stuck in…
In the Super Pit ! This morning, we wake up at 5:00 to avoid a possible cranky ranger who could annoys us or even gives us a fine. We set up the tent in a public camp ground reserved to…
Hitchhiking across the desert Backpacks on and our sign in hands, we watch our friend Kev driving away in his « red bomb » with a bit of a heartache, just after emotive goodbyes… Kev dropped us in a strategic…
Project « cross the desert » The days pass… Luke, Michaella, Jay and Erin went home. We didn’t yet find a way to cross the Nullarbor. We don’t want to take a plane, it’s too easy. We thought to take the Indian…
The journey Tuesday morning. The clock rang at 6 AM. It’s hard to get out of our bed after a very short night spent drinking home made german schnaps and beers to celebrate our departure. We moved at 7.30 AM…